5 Tips for Planning a Photo Montage

Photo montages are great ways to celebrate the past. At events such as weddings, graduations, family or class reunions, and even funerals photos and music can help bring memories back.
Here are 5 tips when planning a photo montage.
1)How long should your montage be?
That all depends on how you are going to use your video. If the video will play on a loop throughout an event then the longer the better! However, if you expect everyone to gather and watch it together limit it to about 10 minutes. Some suggest four songs or about 125 to 175 photos.
2)Choosing Your Photos
Of course great quality photos will look best, but don’t sacrifice memories even if they don’t have the best lighting or composition. And don’t forget videos! Videos are a great way to add life to your montage.
3)Use Horizontal Photos When Possible
While vertical photos will need to be used, opt for horizontal photos when possible. Given the dimensions of a TV screen horizontal photos will show best.
When choosing your music you want to take your audience on a roller coaster ride. It should start off with a slower song, transition into a more upbeat song and then save your best song for the end.
Using transitions between your slides is definitely a must, but pick only a few and alternate them throughout the video. You want the focus to be on the photos NOT all the crazy transitions that are available these days.